Blum Daily All Video Codes Everyday Updated

BLUM Daily All Video Codes
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It looks like Blum is running a campaign where users can earn 250 BP (Blum Points) by completing daily video tasks. Each task is tied to a specific video and has an associated code, which likely needs to be entered or used to confirm task completion. Here are the video tasks and their respective codes:

  1. How to analyze crypto? - Code: VALUE
  2. Forks Explained - Code: GO GET
  3. Secure your Crypto - Code: BEST PROJECT EVER
  4. Navigating crypto - Code: HEYBLUM
  5. What are Telegram Mini Apps? - Code: CRYPTOBLUM
  6. Say No to Rug Pull! - Code: SUPERBLUM
  7. What Are AMMs? - Code: CRYPTOSMART
  8. Liquidity Pools Guide? - Code: BLUMERSSS
  9. $2.5M+ DOGS Airdrop? - Code: HAPPYDOGS
  10. Doxixing? What is That?- Code: NODOXXING
  11. Pre-Market Trading? - Code: WOWBLUM
  12. Play Track & Type Track Name? - Code:  Big City Life
  13. How to Memecoin? - Code: MEMEBLUM
  14. Token Burning: How & Why? - - Code: ONFIRE
  15. Bitcoin Rainbow Chart? - - Code: SOBLUM
  16. Crypto Terms. Part 1 - - Code: BLUMEXPLORER
  17. How to trade Perps? - - Code: CRYPTOFAN
  18. Sharding  Explained ? Code -- BLUMTASTIC
  19. Defi Explained ?  Code- BLUMFORCE
  20. How To Find Altcoins?Code: ULTRABLUM
  21. Cryptro Slang Part -1 Code : BLUMSTORM
  22. What is On-chain Analysis  Code :BLUMEXTRA
  23. Pumptober Special - - Code: PUMPIT
  24. DeFI Risks:Key Insights  Code- BLUMHELPS
  25. Crypto Slang. Part 2 Code-  FOMOOO
  26. Choosing a Crypto Exchange: CRYPTOZONE
  27. Understanding Gas Fee: CRYPTOGAS
  28. Node Sales in Crypto? - Code: Blumify
  29. What Crypto Dex? - Code: DEXXX
  30. What is Slippage: CRYPTOBUZZ
  31. Smart Contracts 101: SMARTBLUM
  32. What's Next for DeFi. Code- BLUMNOW
  33. Crypto Slang. Part 3: BOOBLUM 
  34. Regulation: Yay or... - Code: Blumsss
  35. DEX History➡️Answer: GODEX
  36. Crypto Regulation #2 - Code: Blumrules
  37. P2P Trading Safety Tips:BLUMTIPS
  38. Crypto Communities - Code: Blummunity
  39. is Binance a Dex? - Code: Blumies

  40. is Binance a Dex? - Code: Blumies

  41. Dec 6 Crypto News -  Code: Hundred

  42. Task: Dex Evolution - Code: Blumspark

  43. Crypto Slang. Part 4 - Code: LAMBOBLUM

  44. Memepad Tutorial -  Code: Memepad

    DEX History #3 - Code: LOVEBLUM

  45. Dec 12 News -  Code: RIPPLE

  46. Dec 12 News -  Code: RIPPLE

    Dec 13 News - Code: BITCOINJESUS

    Blum CMO @ Blockchain Life - Code: BLUMISLIFE

  47. Blum CMO @ Blockchain Life - Code: BLUMISLIFE

  48. Crypto in Everyday Life -  CODE: Blumance

  49. Dec 16 News - Code: BITCOIN

  50. Dec 17 News - Code: KENDRICK

    Dec 18 News - Code: Mark


  51. Crypto Slang. Part 5 - Code: GONNABLUM

  52. What is Uniswap? -  Code: BLUMSHINE

    Dec 20 News - Code: TRUMP

    History of Bitcoin - Code: BIGPIZZA

    Blum COO @ Blockchain life...  - Code: LIFEISBLUM

  53. Future of Telegram part 1 - Code: TAPBLUM

  54. Blum CEO....  - Code: BLUMGOALS

  55. Blum CEO....  - Code: BLUMGOALS

    Telegram Trends #2 - Code: BLUUUM

    Blum at Binance Blockchain Week - Code: BLUMWEEK

    Telegram Trends #3 - Code: MEGABLUM

To find and complete the quest, go to the Earn section of the platform, under the tabs New and Academy.

Blum is described as a hybrid exchange offering access to multiple coins, tokens, and derivatives, available through a Telegram mini-app. Their key features include:

  • A hybrid system with an off-chain order book and on-chain settlement.
  • Trading directly from popular wallets like MetaMask and Trust Wallet.
  • Automatic token listings based on liquidity analysis.
  • Integration with Telegram, making it easy for mobile users to trade and participate in games, collecting points that can be converted into tokens.

Blum is also notable for being part of Binance Labs' 7th MVB accelerator season, selected among 13 projects from a pool of 700.

Blum is a next-generation hybrid exchange that simplifies access to a variety of cryptocurrencies and tokens, along with easy-to-use derivatives. All of this is conveniently available through a Telegram mini-app, making trading on the go a breeze. 📱

Key Features:

  • Blum combines an off-chain order book with on-chain settlement, allowing users to trade directly from popular wallets like MetaMask 🦊 and Trust Wallet 🛡️, ensuring seamless and secure transactions.
  • New tokens are automatically listed based on liquidity analysis, ensuring fast access to the latest market opportunities. 💎
  • The Telegram mini-app is designed for mobile-first trading, integrated with gamified elements where users can earn points that can be converted into tokens. 🎮

Blum is recognized for its innovation and was selected by Binance Labs as one of the top 13 projects in their 7th MVB (Most Valuable Builder) accelerator program, standing out from over 700 global contenders. 🔥

If you want to join, you can follow the provided link to get started.

About the Author

Hey! I'm Daud, Currently Working in IT Company BD. I always like to learn something new and teach others.

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